Easy Steps to Take Care of your Custom Chef Jackets

Easy Steps to Take Care of your Custom Chef Jackets

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Gleaming white chef uniforms are the beauty of a kitchen. They convey competence, attention to detail, and professionalism. Whereas a dirty chef coat conveys substandard and carelessness. However, it appears impossible to keep customized chef jackets white. Because they are attacked every day with grease, chocolate, blood, tomato, wine, and other substances. We've heard of cooks who possess 30 coats—one for each day of the month—to aid with the washing, soaking, and wear issue. But 30 jackets aren't practical for most chefs. So we've gathered some of the greatest tips for treating stains and spots. These tips will also pamper the fabric so; the chefs will appear Olympian in the kitchen.

Read the Care Instructions

Do not put your chef coats in the washing machine with your ordinary clothes. Take the time to read the labels and follow the directions. Each piece has its own set of care recommendations to guarantee that it lasts a long time.

Treat Stains Immediately

Spills and stains are unavoidable whether you're a waiter or the chief chef. The greatest approach is to ensure that you treat them immediately without any delay. Of course, the treatment depends upon the type of stain, but treating it as soon as possible is critical.

Always Have an Extra Jacket

One tip to keep your custom chef coats clean is to keep an extra piece of clothing. If you have money, you should think about purchasing a second apron. So that, in case you get a spill on one, you may remove it immediately. This way, you can cure the stain. Soak the item with the required amount of detergent or bleach, if necessary. Hence, you can easily work the rest of the night without having a damp spot on your work uniform. It doesn’t matter even if your backup is of poorer quality. It's worth the money if it assists you in keeping your main gear in good shape.

Soak in the Bleach

Although chlorine bleach appears to be the best way to keep your customized chef jacket white. But along with this, it can also cause fading. So, instead of using simple bleach, you should use an oxygen-based bleach to keep your belongings bright and white.

It is also observed that bleach can easily remove lighter stains but managing deeper stains is a little bit difficult. So, if your garment is looking dirty, soak it in a sink full of warm water and one cup of oxygen-based bleach. Soak for 24 hours before washing. A cup of vinegar added to the rinse cycle might also help in keeping your jacket white. Hence, the pre-washing approach appears to be more beneficial than simply adding bleach to the washer. Please keep in mind that even if you utilize these ways, you will still need to add bleach to the washer for the best results.

Keep Your Custom Chef Coats Properly

We know that after working the whole day on your feet, you become exhausted. But no matter how much tired you are, you should take out a little time for your dress. Take out your jacket and hang it properly rather than throwing it on the floor. If you throw it anywhere, it is most likely that dirt, stains, and other things can cause damage to your work gear.

Do Not Use Hot Water for Washing

Furthermore, you cannot treat all the stains and spots the same way since they are all different from each other. Protein splashes are the most difficult to remove if you don't know what to do about them. According to popular belief, we should wash all of our whites in hot water since they cannot bleed. But when it comes to protein stains, hot water can cook the stain into the jacket's fibers. That denatures the protein, removing the water and making it harder to dilute. Whereas, most mark removers have enzymes that aid in the removal of proteins. So, you can use regular bleach or other stain removers.

Just keep in mind to use cold or warm water rather than hot water. Protein spots, among other stains, are difficult to remove once they have set in. Thus, keep a bleach pen in your pocket to swiftly lighten the blotch before it hardens.

Avoid Using Fabric Softener

Moreover, we do not recommend applying fabric conditioners or softeners on customized chef jackets. Since they can cause seam slippage in clothes made of open-weave fabric. Additionally, they can reduce the overall durability of the fabric.

Line Dry Your Custom Chef Coats

Last but not the least, line dry your work attire. Allow them to dry in the shade. Because fabrics fade in direct sunshine, and whites turn yellow. To reduce fading, turn bright or dark things inside out. Hang shirts and aprons from the bottom and pants from the waistline. So that, the clothing peg marks are hidden. Line drying conserves electricity and has a lower environmental impact. Tumble dry on low heat if you are using a dryer.

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